The Society exists to researching into, record and foster interest in the history of Grundisburgh and its neighbourhood. In 2006 it celebrated its 25th Anniversary.
Meetings commence at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms Grundisburgh. For more information Email
2025 | ||
March 25 | Castle on the Hill. Framlingham Castle and its impact on the town through the ages |
Barbara McElroy |
April 15 | Minstrels & Mayhem. Medieval Entertainers in Suffolk | Kate Jewell |
May 20 | Portrait of a Suffolk River. The Alde | Chris Parfitt |
June 18 | Visit to Columbine Hall Stowupland |
Suffolk Local History Council
The Suffolk Local History Council exists to encourage, promote and assist the study and research of local history in the county of Suffolk.
The Hold - Ipswich Home of Suffolk Archives
The material in its care relates mainly to Suffolk and helps to bring the counties past to life. These archives include:
Whatever you want to discover about Suffolk the Records Office will be able to get you under way and help you further your research.
To view the Grundisburgh Civil Records held at the Record Office, records relating to the village, parish council, & charities etc click here
To view the Grundisburgh Parish Records held at the Records Office, records relating to St.Mary’s Church, Grundisburgh click here
Suffolk Churches - 679 Suffolk Churches have been visited by Simon Knott and all are listed here with masses of information and photographs.
Suffolk Historic Churches Trust
The Suffolk Historic Churches Trust was founded in 1973 as a result of the growing awareness of the threat to these ancient and historic buildings. A combination of rising repair costs, dwindling congregations and hopelessly inadequate parish or community resources meant that many of the churches were facing redundancy and closure.
Since then the Trust has raised and distributed over three million pounds to help with the repair and maintenance of these churches. It organises a very full programmes of events including conducted tours of Suffolk churches and an Annual Sponsored Bike Ride to Suffolk Churches which is its main fund raising event.
Village History
Grundisburgh The history of a Suffolk Village by Peter Bishop
Publishers Silent Books, Swavesey, Cambridge CB4 5RA
ISBN 1 85183 0448
Grundisburgh Baptist Church
200 Years of Gods Work at Grundisburgh Baptist Church
Pernicious Dissenters by Hilda Tuck - The story of John Thompson 1755 - 1826 the founder of Grundisburgh Baptist Church
For copies of both books please Email Pastor Colin Grimwood
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